Ben Williamson

Ben is a former A\J editorial intern. He’s currently a freelance writer based in Ottawa. He tells stories about nature, science and policy. 

Ben is a former A\J editorial intern. He’s currently a freelance writer based in Ottawa. He tells stories about nature, science and policy. 

Author Articles

The Environment Student's Playbook

Every year, thousands of Canadians decide that when they go to work, their job should somehow help the planet. For many, starting environmental careers means enrolling at colleges or universities...

Kavita Shukla was 14 years old and visiting Bhopal, India, when her grandmother brewed her a spice tea to ward off sickness. Seventeen years later, the spices from that tea...
UBC green roof by Don Earhardt in A\J

There are SOME things you will find on almost every university campus in Canada. There are the chants of orientation week, quiet corners in libraries, goofy mascots and long lines...

Authors Blog

petri dish with mould antibiotic resistance A\J
This article is part of A\J's web series Night School. In celebration of back-to-school time and our Night issue, the A\J web team brought you a series of quick lessons, posted between September...
ParkBus unloading at Cyprus Lake Campground. Alternatives Journal. A\J.
The lights change but nothing moves. The truck blocking the intersection is also blocking the crosswalk, so I thread my way around bumpers and continue up Yonge. It's the afternoon...