Chris Wood

Chris Wood, is an author, speaker and journalist. He first wrote about the environment in the 1970s, winning awards for his coverage of nuclear power and agrochemicals. His most recent book, Down the Drain: How We Are Failing to Protect Our Water Resources (2013), written with Ralph Pentland, details how successive federal governments have neglected Canada’s water and proposes new thinking to instigate change. Wood, his wife and their two bull terriers live in Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Author Articles


Throughout our near-45-year existence, Alternatives Journal has published countless interviews about the Earth, but sadly none of them with the Earth. Better late than never, we say, and on a...

FROM VANCOUVER ISLAND'S southern Seymour mountain range to its dry eastern coast, the Cowichan River drains a 930-square-kilometre landscape – an area a little smaller than Ontario’s Prince Edward County....

Authors Blog

Stuart River Crossing
Calgary’s Enbridge Inc., through its subsidiary Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc., would like to build a $5.5-billion pipe to carry diluted tar sands bitumen from Alberta to the Pacific for shipment...