Giles Slade

Giles Slade is married, has three fine sons and lives on the West coast of Canada. His new book, American Exodus, concerns climate change and human migration in North America.

Author Articles

Flare Fatale. Image of a solar flare from NASA | A\J AlternativesJournal.s

Oh, and the night, the night, when the wind full of cosmic spaceGnaws at our faces – R. M. Rilke, Duino Elegies (trans. Leslie P. Gartner)IF WE CONSIDER the phenomenon of...
Giles Slade A\J

PHONOGRAPHS AND GRAMOPHONES brought with them remarkable changes. As fidelity increased, music recorded on discs changed from a single performance that was overheard and “captured,” becoming a document that could be...

Authors Blog

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