Jeff Gailus

Jeff Gailus is an award-winning writer and author of The Grizzly Manifesto and Little Black Lies: Corporate and Political Spin in the Global War for Oil.

Author Articles

Peatlands contrasted with tailings ponds. A\J

ON APRIL 17, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources Joe Oliver stood behind a podium on the warehouse floor of Automatic Coating Limited’s Centre for Pipe Line Coating Innovation, in the...
Peatlands contrasted with tailings ponds. A\J

IN THE MAGAZINE we printed a quote from Little Black Lies, the forthcoming book by Jeff Gailus, on using the terms tar sands or oil sands. Here is a full excerpt from...
A brown bear walking down train tracks towards a moving train A\J

LAST JUNE, I returned to Banff National Park after a long absence. It was good to be back. Banff, Canada’s first and most famous national park, is an important part...
Canadian flag, snowy mountains. A\J

When I was asked to compare nature literature in Canada and the United States, particularly in the West, I quickly went for my bookshelves – only to discover that the...

Authors Blog

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