
Laura McDonald

Laura is a past A\J managing editor. She has an MA in Communication Studies from Wilfrid Laurier University, is an organizing aficionado, lackadaisical gardener, and former musical theatre producer. @inhabitings

Author Articles


“Science insists that we can't express particulars. But we love things in particular, not in general … and when you love something in particular, you're not inclined to see that it...
North American Black Bears in captivity at Marineland, Ontario

A\J first featured animal rights photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur’s work in a photo essay of pigs on their way to slaughter, in our Lifecycles issue in January 2013. A\J first featured...
A\J's guide to the sharing economy

Sharing is about maximizing the use of products, services and ideas in order to minimize overall consumption by a community. This principle has a surprising number of applications – people...
A scene from the Beehive Collective's Mesoamerica Resiste poster.

In the latest issue, I profile the Beehive Design Collective, a group of volunteer activist-artists based in Maine, and their latest project, the epic three-by-six-foot double-sided poster, Mesoamérica Resiste. The poster depicts...
Beehive Design Collective - stories of bees and alternatives economies

Click the image to launch an interactive look at the Beehive Design Collective's Stories of Bees and Economies, part of their Mesoamérica Resiste poster.This is an excerpt; you can order the Resource...
Stephen Harper on trial, in Alternatives Journal A\J. By Ted Heeley.

In 2011, the CEOs of oil companies operating in the tar sands were found guilty of ecocide in a mock trial staged by the Eradicating Ecocide Global Initiative. The trial...

What on earth is a zine? A short-form magazine in both title and format, a zine (pronounced "zeen") is a small, self-published booklet, generally distributed via mail order, online, in...
Kids using a laptop outside in a field. Alternatives Journal.

Be A Careful ConsumerThink before you buy. The Better World Shopper evaluates social justice and environmental performance and assigns a letter grade to companies that make everything from ice cream...
CR Avery in Thief Behind the Mask, filmed by Ethan Miller. Alternatives Journal.

SLAM POETRY is quickly gaining ground in Canada, with poetry slams popping up in cities across the country, sending new teams to the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word each year. Janice...
Over 100 people were arrested at an anti-tar sands action in Ottawa Sept 26

AS THE PUSH FOR TAR SANDS PIPELINES ESCALATES and the legal channels for fighting them become exhausted, some environmentalists are reconsidering the value of civil disobedience, which Sierra Club Canada...

Authors Blog

What do we want? Evidence-based decision making!When do we want it? After peer review! What do we want? Evidence-based decision making!When do we want it? After peer review!Back in September,...
NIGHT\SHIFT, November 2, 9pm to 3am. Presented by A\J.
On November 2nd, A\J is launching NIGHT\SHIFT, Kitchener’s inaugural nuit blanche-style festival of art, culture and nocturnal adventure. On the night of the autumn time change, come downtown to explore...
Girl in green recycle logo shirt A\J
This article is part of A\J's web series Night School. In celebration of back-to-school time and our Night issue, the A\J web team brought you a series of quick lessons, posted between September...
The path to renewable energy.  A\J History. Alternatives Journal.
This article is part of A\J's web series Night School. In celebration of back-to-school time and our Night issue, the A\J web team brought you a series of quick lessons, posted between September...
Earth First! co-founder Dave Foreman vs social ecologist Murray Bookchin.
This article is part of A\J's web series Night School. In celebration of back-to-school time and our Night issue, the A\J web team brought you a series of quick lessons, posted between September...
Enbridge Line 9 crosses the Grand River in North Dumfries, Ontario.
The "Climate Change Containment Unit" (CCCU) is in action today at the site of an Enbridge emergency response exercise in North Dumfries where the controversial Line 9 crosses the Grand...
A\J History. We're old like trees.
This article is part of A\J's web series Night School. In celebration of back-to-school time and our Night issue, the A\J web team brought you a series of quick lessons, posted between September...
Climate change will mean more snow in Canada. Alternatives Journal. A\J
The fifth Assessment Report (AR5) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be released later this month, and media are already having a field day with a leaked...
A\J Covers Progression A\J
This article is part of A\J's web series Night School. This article is part of A\J's web series Night School. In celebration of back-to-school time and our Night issue, the A\J web team brought...
Knowing the Land is Resistance, Towards an Anarchist Ecology on A\J.
Knowing the Land is Resistance (KLR) has been running nature exploration workshops in southwestern Ontario for three years, demonstrating to participants how to (re)connect with the natural world around them, in...