Green Communities Alternatives Journal 22.2

Green Communities 22.2

Editorial: Greening Our Communities – Mark Roseland

Greening the City: The Ecological and Human Dimensions of the City Can Be Part of Town Planning – Peter Newman

Making our cities more liveable entails making them both greener and more convivial, an opportunity to revitalize a rich tradition from the pre – modern era.
Inset: Intensification of the People or by the People? by Edmund P. Fowler

Editorial: Greening Our Communities – Mark Roseland

Greening the City: The Ecological and Human Dimensions of the City Can Be Part of Town Planning – Peter Newman

Making our cities more liveable entails making them both greener and more convivial, an opportunity to revitalize a rich tradition from the pre – modern era.
Inset: Intensification of the People or by the People? by Edmund P. Fowler

Healthy, Sustainable Communities: Concept, Fledgling Practice and Implications for Governance – Trevor Hancock

The well – being of the planet in the coming century will be decided to a significant degree by cities and their citizens.
Inset: Three Canadian Efforts to Link “Healthy” and “Sustainable” by Trevor Hancock
Inset: Two Proposals for Canadian Sustainable Communities by Robert Gibson

Ecology and Community Design: Lessons from Northern European Ecological Communities – Todd Saunders

Ten recommendations for community designers and others wishing to translate ecological community theory into practice.

Building a Better World, One Neighbourhood at a Time – Russell Mawby

Street Theatre and Certificate Programmes: Foundation Takes Innovative Approach to Urban Issues – Judy Oberlander

Successful Green Initiatives at Risk in Ontario – Stephen Bocking

Bike Choir Recycles Music for Transport Revolution – Michael Torreiter

Katrina Shields, In the Tiger’s Mouth: An Empowerment Guide for Social Action 
Daryl Novak, ed., Working Group Guide 
Louise Ward-Whate and Joanne Mills, Discovering Your Community: A Cooperative Process for Planning Sustainability 
Joseph Bruchac and Michael Caduto, Keepers of Life 
Ontario Round Table on Environment and Economy, Sustainable Communities Resource Package