Author: editorial


Psychology Of Green

It’s not every day that a building plan seeks input from an associate professor in community psychology. But then again, this is not an everyday building. For one thing, it has ambitious goals to hit top benchmarks for net-positive commercial construction. The building, with about 115 square feet on three […]

Proactive Intervention

The people who gather around the Connectivity Table each week represent various health and social service agencies. Some are executives; some are front-line workers. But when they come together, it’s to collaborate and pool expertise. And to take action.   The situations brought to the Table involve individuals and families […]


Community Medicine

As the Chief Executive Officer of the Waterloo Wellington Local Health Integration Network, I spend most of my time working with health-care leaders and front-line health professionals to improve the health care local residents receive. I also spend a significant amount of time with community leaders and residents discussing the […]


Our Team

Visiting the AR Kaufman Family YMCA in Kitchener, Ontario, is a bit like dropping into an idealized version of the old family homestead. The young and old, quiet and noisy, confident and shy all gather there – many generations under one roof, working together to build for the future. Add […]


Power of Art

Imagine standing on a street corner in a Canadian city in the middle of February, and every wall that surrounds you is covered in a bright, colourful painting. Vibrant images reflect our diverse culture and relationships with nature. Imagine walking past these illustrations every morning as you start your day. […]