Author: moin

Water is moved around the world in commodities.

Hidden Streams

Water is embedded in and enriches nearly everything, including food. Agriculture accounts for a staggering 92 per cent of the rain, ground and surface water that people consume, most of it pumped for irrigation to produce cereal grains, meat and milk. This crucial reliance on water faces big challenges; a […]

Line 9 facts and figures

Crack Pipeline (Infographic)

In March, the National Energy Board (NEB) approved the reversal of Enbridge’s Line 9, a pipeline running from Sarnia to Montréal. Critics such as Environmental Defence and West Coast Environmental Law have pointed out flaws in the regulatory process. The project was not required to undergo a comprehensive environmental assessment […]

Pieter Adongo, 17, at the Agbogbloshie e-waste dumping grounds.


The world is awash in electronic waste. With an ever-expanding market for electronic goods and continually shrinking product lifecycles, managing e-waste has become a global problem. In addition to the growing volumes of discarded computers, monitors, laptops, cellphones and other electronics in our landfills, e-waste often finds its way (by […]