Author: samanthahui

Resilience Jar | nik harron

Bouncing Back: How Resilience Leads to Better Health

Western medicine has made great strides in disease control in the last century. Diagnostic technologies and surgical procedures have advanced. Life expectancy has increased dramatically in most parts of the world. Antibiotics, improvements in sanitation and hygiene, as well as vaccines, have eradicated or reduced many of the world’s deadliest […]


Transcending the Organic/Conventional Divide

Elementary logic explains why the organic/conventional divide can’t explain very many outcomes. Organically grown lettuce doesn’t require toxic pesticides, but the plastic case that protects the lettuce on its trip from California to Nova Scotia is nowhere near as environmentally pure as the lettuce. Organically grown tomatoes may take up more […]

Prescription for Nature 2 | nik harron

Prescribing a Dose of Nature

Psychologist Elizabeth Nisbet explains why greenery takes away the blues. MUCH OF OUR discourse around environmental issues involves hazards like air and water pollution, deforestation, species extinction or the looming consequences of global climate change. Rarely do we ponder the importance of protecting the natural environment as a mental health resource.