Author: Siobhan Mullally

Earth Day: Origins  

It’s been over five decades since Apollo 8 Astronaut, William Anders, captured an image of Earth peaking over the Moon’s horizon, more commonly known as Earthrise. This iconic photograph inspired a new age of appreciation for our planet. Two years later, the first Earth Day, April 22nd, 1970, was born. […]

Joining Hands: The Decade of Action on the SDGs

The year 2020 was a year that will go down in the annals for its significance on many fronts. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted several key sectors, primarily health and education, and the economies of virtually all countries on the globe. The uncertainty related to the progress of […]

Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation

You are sitting at a coffee shop and trying to plan out your assignment that is due in three days. Like most students, your mind wanders away. You find yourself just wondering why, in spite of the near global consensus on climate change and billions of dollars committed to tackling […]

“Now is the Time”

COVID-19 was first identified on December 30, 2019 and was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. Stringent measures were put in place by world governments to isolate the cases and slow transmission of the virus. These measures and changes to government policy have […]

Thirsting for Solutions

As of June 2012, there were 146 First Nations communities in Canada under a long-term Drinking Water Advisory. Drinking Water Advisories are created when the water in a community is deemed unacceptable based on the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines which set basic parameters for clean, safe drinking water. A long-term […]

School Gardens: The Change-Makers

Introduction: Community School Gardens The traditional purpose of gardens was to grow and cultivate plants for food and medicine. For centuries, it has provided individuals with the opportunity to learn more about the environment and better appreciate nature. Gardens have become a widespread practice in schools across the globe. Implementing […]

A Greener Way To Go: Exploring Environmentally Friendly Death Practices

The environmental impacts of death are just as important as life’s environmental impacts, but death is often overlooked in environmental actions. This oversight is typically due to cultural discomfort with death, resulting in a lack of environmental considerations when it comes time to plan for a funeral/burial. So, since death […]

A Being in Nature: How the Mourning Dove’s Call of Inspiration Quieted My Busy Mind

The Power of Taking a Walk Around the Block Over the past week or so, my world has been very high-energy, productive, and busy, busy, busy! I have been maximizing my time at A\J by writing, thinking, creating, editing, and giving as much of myself to my work as I […]

Fighting Fire with Fire

Recently, we came across Wallin Snowdon’s CBC article entitled “Fighting forest fires with fire: Pyrotechnics and flaming Ping-Pong balls” (June 22, 2020). What piqued our interest was that it discusses interesting techniques of fighting wildfires from a unique and counterintuitive prospective – fighting fire, with fire! This news article is […]