

Electrify Everything

If you electrify everything and produce electricity from wind, water, and solar, your power demand goes down 42.5 percent. Most of that is due to the fact that electricity is more efficient than combustion. If I drive a car, the plug-to-wheel efficiency of an electric car is about 80 to […]

Yearning for Free Learning 424

Yearning for Free Learning

Right now, you – yes, you reading this magazine – have access to thousands of absolutely free, open, online courses covering hundreds of topics taught by the world’s leading experts and teachers. Welcome to the information revolution! Advancements in technology and knowledge sharing have transformed all areas of learning and […]


Local Heroics

With Kyoto’s deadlines looming, Canada faces the likelihood that we will not reach our targets of reducing emissions to six percent below 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012. And Canada is not alone. A number of European countries, Japan and New Zealand are realizing that their emissions continue to rise […]

The Ice Wall Cometh

A FROZEN-GROUND BARRIER may sound more like a sci-fi set piece than a modern remediation technology. Unlike a wall above ground, ice walls — or ice dykes, curtains, ring-fences and cofferdams — exist below ground and are a separate entity from the surrounding soil and groundwater. Ground freezing is widely […]