

Business, Interrupted: A Rebuttal

This year Earth Overshoot Day was the earliest ever, falling on July 29 as the day humanity collectively used nature’s resource budget for the entire year. Scientists, environmentalists, activists, and the world’s youth have made loud and clear demands for radical and progressive policies to curb humanity’s environmental footprint.


Introducing the 2019 Winners of the YRE Canada Eco-Journalism Competition!

Congratulations to all the winners of the 2019 YRE Canada Eco-Journalism Competition for Youth! Youth from across the country investigated solutions to environmental challenges in their communities (and around the world), and shared their findings through video, photography, and writing.

Beyond Crisis, written , directed and edited by Kai Reimer-Watts, Toronto Creati

Beyond Crisis

THE OVERRIDING QUESTION in Kai Reimer-Watts’ Beyond Crisis is why is our response to climate change “absurdly slow”? Humanity is already experiencing horrific forest fires and flooding – think Fort McMurray and Hurricane Sandy – yet many of us still engage in the flying, driving and beef-eating which bring wide-spread […]

Fashion designer Peggy Sue Deaven-Smiltnieks

A Stitch in Time (wastes less)

When my Austrian grandma passed away, I found her 20-year-old Dirndl in her wardrobe. Although it was much too big for me, I was emotionally unable to throw it away. Eventually, I decided this Dirndl deserved to be worn again. So, I opened all the seams, divided it into its […]

Breakfast in 2040 432

Breakfast in 2040

Editor’s note: This article is an exploration of a truly complicated topic: food and climate change. We’ve shared perspectives that touch upon the personal aspects, the scientific realities, and the actionable first-steps that can be taken to better plan for future changes in our climate.