Small Steps to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Can be One Giant Leap for Mankind by

Small Steps to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Can be One Giant Leap for Mankind

Whether we like it or not, our daily activities increase our carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is the measure of greenhouse gas emissions (including carbon) that a person emits from their daily activities. It is important to know your carbon footprint and take responsibility for the emissions that you are […]


Why Haven’t We Solved This Yet? Militarism and The Environment

At the height of the Vietnam war, Ernie Regher authored a story for Alternatives Journal about the harmful effects war and militarism. In Regher’s words, militarism is “the extension of military influence over national and international affairs.” He explained a country will often divert resources which would have otherwise gone […]

Eco-friendly Alternatives to Plastic

Breaking Up With Plastics

Source: Ethique Plastic Free July Series (Volume 2 of 5) It’s time to break free from our plastic dependency. Environmentally-friendly alternatives to plastic exist and we can all make small changes in our daily lives to promote the sustainability of our environment.

Plastic Free July - Choose to Refuse Single-Use Plastic

Strong and Plastic-Free

Plastic Free July Series (Volume 1 of 5) Yearly, Canadians produce 3.3.million tonnes of plastic waste while 2.8 million tonnes (the weight of 24 CN towers) of it ends up in the landfill, according to statistics from Oceana Canada. Approximately only 9% of this waste is recycled. Environment and Climate […]