
Accidental Gravity. Bernard Quetchenbach. Oregon State University Press, 249 pp.

‘Accidental Gravity: Residents, Travelers, and the Landscape of Memory’

There’s an ethereal quality to much nature writing that can feel oppressively twee, miscalibrated to life in the Anthropocene. Annie Dillard may have had a year to wander the Blue Ridge Mountains playing King of the Meadow with grasshoppers, but that was 1974. Haven’t you heard? A Delaware-sized iceberg is […]

go to farm final

The GO Train to Farm Country?

Imagine catching a GO train to see, taste, and pick the best the world grows and prepares all in one place. Imagine picking your own berries and then drinking squeezed juice while watching some frisky goats. Then imagine sitting down to enjoy what can be done with the cheese they […]


Book Review of “Heart Waters – Sources of the Bow River”

Shrinking snowpack, receding glaciers, clear cut logging, fossil fuel extraction and off road vehicle use are all exerting enormous pressures on our precious water resources.  Van Tighems’ latest book, Heart Waters – Sources of the Bow River examines these pressures from both a historical and scientific perspective and explores the root […]