Cameron Roberts

Cameron Roberts is a Canadian PhD student studying the cultural history of transportation technology at the University of Manchester. He blogs about science, technology and society at Where’s My Jetpack.

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Screencapture from Pride with
Several weeks ago, I watched Pride, a fascinating political drama documenting the true story of a few London-based gay rights campaigners who in 1984 decided to support some beleaguered striking...
conversation Fotolia_67862111_© Innovated Captures
Environmentalists are often involved in some way in other progressive political movements, such as feminism, economic justice, civil rights or the LGBTQ rights movement. This means that if you are...
Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta
In The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, the feel-good travel epic released last Christmas, Ben Stiller plays a compulsive daydreamer who travels around the world in search of a missing...
parkways and driveways A\J
Why do we drive on a parkway, but park on a driveway? Why do we drive on a parkway, but park on a driveway?You’ve probably heard this question before, and...
MS Turanor Planet Solar A\J
On July 13, 1908, huge crowds gathered in the streets of various small towns and villages in Germany to witness the spectacle of LZ 4, one of the first airships,...