Eric Rumble, A\J editor-in-chief

Eric Rumble

Eric is the founder and executive director of Night\Shift, downtown Kitchener’s nocturnal adventure festival, and he helped craft the rebranding of A\J as its editor-in-chief (2012-2014). He has a dusty Bachelor of History from uWaterloo and has worked as a journalist in Canada since 2000, holding editing positions with up! Magazine (WestJet Airlines’ in-flight publication), AdbustersReader’s Digest and other publications, and contributing as a writer to Canadian GeographicMaisonneuveCanada’s HistorySwerveSaturday Night and others. He also used to curate a blog about great Canadian record cover art at


Author Articles

NEIL YOUNG cut a record called On The Beach nearly 40 years ago. For half of that time period, my own appetite for music has been scrambled and insatiable. But...
Greenbelt. A\J

I SPENT MOST OF MY ADOLESCENCE within (sluggish) commuting range of Toronto. Before ever letting the words, “When I was a kid, none of this stuff was here,” escape my...

LET ME CONFESS something I did a few years back, in the company of an old friend and a complete stranger: I shot and killed a pig in Hawaii. I...

THIS ISSUE of Alternatives Journal came with a steep learning curve. After 41 years of profiling science and sustainability with a strong Canadian perspective, this winter we decided to kick our editorial mandate...

IN 2012 it seems easy to mudsling the truth until it’s a total mess. This weakness is not new – women, homosexuals and people of colour who lived just 50 years...
Elephant cover A\J

A FEW YEARS AGO, a teenaged local led me through a stretch of the Sierra Norte mountains in southern Mexico’s Oaxaca state. My Spanish es malísimo, so I walked quietly...

Authors Blog

Calgary flood 2013. A\J Alternatives
On Sunday, I flew back to Kitchener, Ontario, after spending a little more than a week in Calgary. I’m not yet sure of the words I want to use to...
WideTEDxWaterloo @JackiYo
I’d be impressed with anyone who soaks up the entire cocktail of ideas, emotions and possibilities served at TEDxWaterloo without feeling like they just put back a few too many....
The 13th annual Planet in Focus film film festival in mid-October provided an unbeatable spot to sit and absorb some of the planet’s most pressing ecological stories. And because its...
In the August/September issue of A\J [38:5, In Defence of Science], energy reporter Andrew Nikiforuk wrote a column that rubbed a number of our readers the wrong way. The executive...