Fracking. Hydro Dams. Pipelines. This is the fight of our lives.
Humans have culled and mined resources from our habitats for centuries, but never before has it been so intensive and extensive, nor have we ever been so aware of the looming downside. We know that choosing how to manage, supply and bankroll our natural capital in the age of climate degradation requires so much more than well-rehearsed talking points.
Fracking. Hydro Dams. Pipelines. This is the fight of our lives.
Humans have culled and mined resources from our habitats for centuries, but never before has it been so intensive and extensive, nor have we ever been so aware of the looming downside. We know that choosing how to manage, supply and bankroll our natural capital in the age of climate degradation requires so much more than well-rehearsed talking points.
The Resource Wars issue investigates the impacts – both ecological and sociological – of this ramped-up resource frenzy, from the tar sands to Canada’s global mining presence. We also explore ways people are fighting back and finding solutions, including nine successful strategies from fracking resisters in New Brunswick and the Beehive Collective’s work documenting and supporting opposition to development in Mesoamerica.
View the full-size cover
Read selected articles from the issue online
There’s lots more in print! Order the issue now for all of this:
In Brief: Research Digest; Water Hog-tied by Europe; Youth Get Litigious
Oh No Canada – Sakura Saunders
The Canadian mining sector’s lack of response to human rights abuses abroad comes to a head.
+ Blog post: Hudbay Minerals: Confronting a Corporate Criminal
Rage On, Sweet Romaine – Alexis Lathem
As a massive hydro dam devours one of Québec’s last great rivers, Innu communities struggle against the rapids of development.
+ MAP: Rivers and Hydroelectric Reservoirs in Québec
Pollinating Resilience – Laura McDonald
The Beehive Collective draws out the big picture of resistance to exploitive development in Mesoamerica.
+ Online: Take an interactive, narrated tour of the alternative economy scene from the Mesoamérica Resiste poster.
+ Online: Learn about how the activist art collective works in our Q&A with one of the bees.
Yield of Dreams – Elaine Anselmi
By getting back to the roots, an Ontario farmer baffles crop scientists and genetically modified seed makers.
Andrew Nikiforuk’s The Energy Matrix
Resource Frenzy: From beaver pelts to bitumen pipelines, Canada’s commodity booms are a recipe for disaster.
Robert Gibson’s What’s The Big Idea?
Apart: The gap between nature and us is only in our heads.
In Review
The Nano Revolution, directed by Mike Downie – Reviewed by Gideon Forman
Language Intelligence by Joseph Romm – Reviewed by Nicholas Cole
Who Speaks for the River? by Robert Givran – Reviewed by Barbara D. Janusz
An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth, by Chris Hadfield – Reviewed by Claudio D’Andrea
Ecotopia, Kenderdine Gallery – Reviewed by Ben Williamson