Environmental Justice

You've Been Trumped film review A\J AlternativesJournal.ca

You’ve Been Trumped

Whether it’s infiltrating reality TV or politics, Donald Trump is no stranger to controversy or the limelight. This doc profiles The Donald’s plans for a megaplex golf resort in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and the locals who dare to oppose his plans, which include two courses, a 450-room hotel and holiday apartments […]


Blocking the Arteries of the Tar Sands

There’s been a tremendous amount of media coverage surrounding Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline proposal, which spawned an incredible resistance movement led primarily by indigenous nations of British Columbia. Events such as Defend Our Coast attracted thousands of protestors, while the Yinka Dene Alliance made national headlines with their anti-pipeline tour across […]

Tangled Roots book review A\J AlternativesJournal.ca

Tangled Roots: Dialogues exploring ecological justice, healing, and decolonization

It would be easy for a writer to bite off more than they can chew by addressing subjects as far-reaching as colonialism, genocide and the guiding magnetic orientation of bees. But in Matt Soltys’ first book, he not only addresses these diverse, complex topics, he weaves them into a thundering […]


A COP18 Wrap-up: The Doha Gateway to a Warmer World

The UNFCCC COP18 climate change conference has been hailed, by some, as a success. The ‘Doha Gateway’ was celebrated in particular for its success at ensuring a second term of the Kyoto Protocol. After the negotiations went more than twenty-four hours overtime, the president of the conference quickly gaveled through […]

Waking the Green Tiger film review A\J AlternativesJournal.ca

Waking the Green Tiger

In the Southwestern province of Yunnan, the headwaters of China’s three major rivers glide side by side, carving deep, beautiful gorges through the country’s most culturally and biologically diverse regions. The Salween, Mekong and Yangtze rivers are also the subjects of dozens of proposed dams. The largest is the Tiger […]


Canada Bottoms Out International Climate Negotiations

Canadians are apologetic people. Yet, navigating the halls of the COP18 climate negotiations as a member of the Canadian Youth Delegation (CYD), the “sorry”s I gave weren’t stereotypical Canuck politeness. Instead, they were apologies of shame for the inaction of our government when it comes to tackling the unprecedented issue of climate change.