Archives: Blog entry


Checking Out the Toxic Manscape

  Andrew Reeves, A\J Current Events blogger and environmental journalist: The latest report from Environmental Defence outlining the myriad of toxic chemicals in men’s personal care products shouldn’t surprise anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of the chemical cocktails swimming around in women’s care products for the past five decades […]


Canada’s Roadmap to Becoming a Resource Superpower

Canada largely owes its economic development to natural resources, the vast and (theoretically) sustainable resources like lumber, fish, minerals, agriculture and energy in the form of oil and natural gas. Borrowing liberally from Harold Innis’s iconic The Fur Trade in Canada, hewers of wood and drawers of water we were, […]


Students Stick a Fork in Hunger

Food is cultural, social, economic, political and environmental – it connects us all. That is the message of Meal Exchange, ayouth-driven registered charity that empowers students across Canada to learn and raise awareness about local hunger. I have been involved in Meal Exchange since I went back to university in […]


Not in my Backyard

The “Not in My Backyard” (NIMBY) problem can put a real lid on wind energy uptake if a sufficient number of backyards are marked as off-limits. And we need those yards. A windmill can’t exactly function to peak capacity when tucked furtively away in one’s garage. But what creates the […]

PT Douglas - Northern Park

Northern Ontario’s Campers in Limbo

Kapuskasing mayor Alan Spacek is optimistic that an October 18 meeting between Northern Ontario’s mayors and Natural Resources Minister Michael Gravelle will lead to changes in the government’s decision to reduce services in 10 provincial parks. The group presented a report to the minister that compiled park usage data from […]