
Elemental film. Review on A\J.


The protagonists in Elemental are very different people with unique approaches to their campaigns, but are united by vision, passion and the ability to persevere despite personal hardship and opposition. Rajendra Singh is the Commissioner of Rivers in India and is on a self-declared “pilgrimage to purify the Ganges.” He […]

Otesha Nation to Nation Tour. Wampum belts.

Superheros and Sacred Relationships on the Otesha Nation to Nation Tour

A\J is partnering with the Otesha Project to cover two of their 2013 tours: Nation to Nation and Pedal to Plate. This post is from Nation to Nation tour member Arestia Dehmassi – watch the video above for an overview of the tour. Check out A\J’s photo essay from the Pedal to […]

Nothing Like Chocolate film review A\J

Nothing Like Chocolate

Chocolate is one of life’s great pleasures. The perfect food, chocolate is fuel for flagging spirits, an inspiration, a temptation and, for some, a sacrament. Yet most consumers of mass-produced chocolate may be unaware of their beloved confection’s dark side. Child slave labour in West African cocoa plantations haunts the […]

Over 100 people were arrested at an anti-tar sands action in Ottawa Sept 26

Rethinking Resistance

AS THE PUSH FOR TAR SANDS PIPELINES ESCALATES and the legal channels for fighting them become exhausted, some environmentalists are reconsidering the value of civil disobedience, which Sierra Club Canada (SCC) executive director John Bennett describes as “breaking an unjust law or breaking a law to draw attention to an […]