
WiRE co-founders Rebecca Black and Joanna Szarek Osawe.

New Ontario Organization is Advancing the Role of Women in Renewable Energy

At the 2013 Canadian Wind Energy Association’s (CanWEA) conference a new group launched to encourage greater inclusivity in the energy field, Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE). Founded and co-chaired by Rebecca Black and Joanna Szarek Osawe, this non-profit organization is dedicated to “furthering education and awareness surrounding renewable energy development and […]

Elemental film. Review on A\J.


The protagonists in Elemental are very different people with unique approaches to their campaigns, but are united by vision, passion and the ability to persevere despite personal hardship and opposition. Rajendra Singh is the Commissioner of Rivers in India and is on a self-declared “pilgrimage to purify the Ganges.” He […]

Hazelnut and blueberry dessert served at Camp Home by Michael Stadtländer.

The Camp Home Project

A few weeks ago, I was invited to participate in the unveiling of Michael Stadtländer’s Camp Home project. The internationally renowned chef has hand-crafted an elaborate celebration of his 20 years at Eigensinn Farm with what can only be described as an out-of-this-world experience.

Nothing Like Chocolate film review A\J

Nothing Like Chocolate

Chocolate is one of life’s great pleasures. The perfect food, chocolate is fuel for flagging spirits, an inspiration, a temptation and, for some, a sacrament. Yet most consumers of mass-produced chocolate may be unaware of their beloved confection’s dark side. Child slave labour in West African cocoa plantations haunts the […]