
Oyster fishing; sustainable fisheries. A\J

Where’s the Fish?

LOCAL FOOD HAS TAKEN OFF. From coast to coast to coast, the Canadian food landscape is changing. Within local communities, alternatives to entrenched supply-chain strategies are thriving, such as farmers’ markets, restaurants that focus on regional food sources, community supported agriculture (CSA), farm-gate sales and certified organic food production. Increasingly, Canadians […]

A ceramic bear feasting on mouldy jam cake. Klaus Pichler. A\J.

Why we put Mouldy Jam on the Food & Drink Cover

Mouldy food on the cover? It’s the A\J way, says production & graphics coordinator Anežka Gočová: The conventional treatment for the Food & Drink issue would have been to put some “food porn” on the cover [don’t Google that, by the way]. But sticking to our alternative nature, we decided to do the exact […]

beef meat impact

To Meat or Not to Meat? Part 1

Recently, I sat at the Woolwich Arrow Pub in Guelph. This pub uses solar power for water heating, Bullfrog Power to provide renewable energy, and its staff uniforms are made from organic cotton. The pub also features certified fish and obtains local beef from YU Ranch. YU Ranch raises grass-fed, […]